Just go with it
This latter half of June I've been doing a lot of reflecting about the idea of control. I have realized and have tried to rewire my brain into the acceptance that most things are indeed out of my control. The only thing we do have dominion over is ourselves, how we take care of ourselves, how we dress, how we want to present ourselves to others. We have control over what we say and do. But that's a small fraction of life that we have any control over. We do not have control over what others do, what others think. We don't have control over nature. We don't have control over things that may go wrong in our lives. We can't control weather. We can't stop the inevitable. How are we supposed to cope with that knowledge? How can we learn to just let go and let things be that will be whether we want them to or not?
Well, the realization that things may not always go your way is the first major battle. When you allow yourself to become okay with a deviation in the path you're treading, you take back some of the power that may normally go towards anger or frustration. You are able to control how a situation affects you. You can't control how others will respond, but you can choose to empower yourself, let go, and move forward. A terrible night at work is an inevitable reality for me, but I need to be able to take a bad situation at face value, quickly assess what it is I need to do differently to make the situation better, or if it can't be improved, then accept it, and then move on. Ruminating on what went wrong, what mistakes I made, how I should have done something differently, just causes my own psyche more stress that it is worth.
Do not allow others to destroy your inner peace.
People can and will attempt to bring you down. This can happen whether they intend to or not. Despite their intentions or motives, it's incredibly important to never allow someone to compromise the peace within you. Firstly you never know what that person is really dealing with in their life. Never assume they are out to get you. Maybe lashing out at you or being rude is the only way they can blow off steam. It isn't fair is it? But then again, there's that control issue again..life is never going to be fair. So be the better person. Let it roll off your shoulders. Forget it. Don't give that person any power over you. Don't allow anyone to spoil your day! And you never know, maybe staying positive and open in the face of adversity or resistance will inspire someone else to adopt the same principles. The most important thing is your state of mind, and you CAN control that! Hallelujah!
I can't stop the waves, but I can learn to surf.
Sometimes the very energy of the day can threaten to trample you! Everybody had days like this, where everything just seems wrong. You certainly can't stop negative things from happening to you, but you can control how you deal. If you confront these issues from a place of peace, you can get through it. You can learn to be flexible, to choose to focus on things that did go right, and most importantly, it will be easier to move on to better things. Don't get stuck in the riptide of life. Don't fight it. Roll with it, and you will find that recovery is easier, and you have learned something valuable.
Remember that perspective is everything. If you start to view everything through a positive light, you will begin to experience less anxiety and turmoil.
Just go with it.
Do not allow others to destroy your inner peace.
People can and will attempt to bring you down. This can happen whether they intend to or not. Despite their intentions or motives, it's incredibly important to never allow someone to compromise the peace within you. Firstly you never know what that person is really dealing with in their life. Never assume they are out to get you. Maybe lashing out at you or being rude is the only way they can blow off steam. It isn't fair is it? But then again, there's that control issue again..life is never going to be fair. So be the better person. Let it roll off your shoulders. Forget it. Don't give that person any power over you. Don't allow anyone to spoil your day! And you never know, maybe staying positive and open in the face of adversity or resistance will inspire someone else to adopt the same principles. The most important thing is your state of mind, and you CAN control that! Hallelujah!
I can't stop the waves, but I can learn to surf.
Sometimes the very energy of the day can threaten to trample you! Everybody had days like this, where everything just seems wrong. You certainly can't stop negative things from happening to you, but you can control how you deal. If you confront these issues from a place of peace, you can get through it. You can learn to be flexible, to choose to focus on things that did go right, and most importantly, it will be easier to move on to better things. Don't get stuck in the riptide of life. Don't fight it. Roll with it, and you will find that recovery is easier, and you have learned something valuable.
Remember that perspective is everything. If you start to view everything through a positive light, you will begin to experience less anxiety and turmoil.
Just go with it.
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